Category: About Learning a Foreign Language
Social Skills
Speaking a language means dialogue. A good speaker is in fact, a good listener, too. Communication is what language is all about. Whether it’s verbal or gestural, vocal or soundless.
There are unwritten rules of sociability. And character. Your manners count.
There is eye contact. After all, what is vital in communication? Trust.
Respect. Contact.
Do you smile or do you frown? Are you arrogant or open to others?
These are some of the factors that define our language. Social Skills.
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If your English isn’t so bad … but still isn’t good enough, I can help you…even if English is your language!
If your English isn’t so bad … but still isn’t good enough, I can help you.
Je vous accompagne dans un cadre bienveillant et stimulant, quartier Mirabeau/Eglise d’Auteuil.
Pour le professionnel amené à agir en anglais dans ses projets lors de réunions, comités, ateliers, conférences … ou simplement pour le plaisir, voire les voyages !
Pour l’étudiant en 1ere ou Terminale ou après, très motivé, qui doit améliorer ses compétences en anglais pour aborder au mieux les épreuves d’entrée aux grandes écoles, tant à l’écrit qu’à l’oral. Préparation aux concours de Sciences Po, écoles de commerce, écoles d’ingénieur, et bien sûr aux universités américaines.
Pour plus d’informations, merci de me contacter au 06 75 12 85 55 ou
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Possessives – from AWAD
with Anu Garg
My iPad, their Toyota, her house… In a typical day we talk a lot about possessions: having things. The word possess is from Latin possidere, from potis (having the power) + sedere (to sit). So when you possess something, say a patch of earth, you have the power to sit upon it, literally speaking.
The English language has many terms about who has what. Enjoy this week’s words that answer “Whose what?” but it’s important to remember that the best things in life are not possessed, they are free. We don’t say my ocean, his stars, or their sun.
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schedules – timing – postponing
to postpone- moving something planned to a later date. Is there a conflict in schedules? maybe we – or they – or you or I – are not ready, won’t be ready, won’t have met all the conditions for what was planned…
The interview was postponed … the meeting was postponed … the game was called off.
Sorry, I won’t be able to make it then … How about a rain check?
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Sidney Lumet – The Last Word
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The Smithsonian Folkways Collection
Real voices of real people with real emotion. Much of the collection is freely available and downloadable on iTunesU. As Pete Seeger said … “If you’re ever feeling a little down … listen to what these people have to say!” Music from the heart and soul. And what music! Enjoy.
The Smithsonian Folkways Collection
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And what about my accent?
In “My Fair Lady,” Higgins says: The French don’t care what they do actually, as long as they pronounce it properly. ….
We are sensitive to accents … sensitive to voices …. sensitive to pronunciation … Does anyone speak accentless? I suppose robots do … and then what have you got? A ro–bo–toc–voi–c-e … thank you very much …. ! We’re so much better off with a Southern accent, a NY accent, a French accent, a Scottish accent … and all of these are generally not served alone: there is always a specific vocabulary, often a specific grammar that goes with them.
To Savannah folk: Be on your guard to keep and cultivate your beautiful accents. A lot of people around the world (even in towns beginning with the letter “A” are … so jealous of your voices!
My advice? Be yourself. Use your own voice. Speak clearly … not too fast, please … Express yourself with your personality!
This being said, your accent is secondary to your pronunciation. The English and Americans tend to like the novelty and sonority of a French accent in English … and vice-versa: Most French like you to keep your charming American or British accent …. if you manage to pronounce fauteuil (armchair) or champignons (mushrooms) or ratatouille or Limoges correctly … or at least make a sincere effort to do so!
But, mesdames, messieurs, mes amis français, mes amies françaises, j’ai ceci à vous dire: vos voix, vos accents, sont tellement agréables à l’oreille anglophone, tellement séduisants … You must be careful – SO, only if you prefer NOT to be SO charming, then work on a perfect Oxford or Cambridge or London accent or a perfect ‘New York’ voice … or a delicious, mint-julep, Vivian Leigh southern drawl … so … whether you are from Paris or Montpellier or Neuilly or Asnières or Vincennes or Chantilly … please don’t trade your own accent for another … just pronounce the “s” at the end of plurals and at the third person and we will love you for that … too.
[audio:|titles=Be careful.]
Be careful.
On the other hand … pronounce the “S” please !!!
[audio:|titles=Do you know what I’m saying??]
Do you know what I’m saying?If you’re interested in language learning … subscribe to the Paris Savannah Connection newsletter!
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coup: in French, in English
From Visual Thesaurus: coup
The silent “p” in this word is the heritage of French ancestry, whence English borrows coup.
In French a coup is an act, but the feature separating a coup from any old act is that a coup is marked by success and cleverness.
English has also borrowed a number of particular coups from French, including coup d’etat, coup de grace, coup de main, and coup d’oeil.
Look it up in the Visual Thesaurus!
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