I think it was Bill Gates who said that “Done” was better than “Perfect” …
Jean Pierre Lefebvre, president of AKDV, the Parisian Design Agency whose very high work standards are and have always been those of beauty and excellence in every way, turned that around to say:
“Perfection” is the enemy of “Good” His teams are very efficient … and get things done well, reliably… and on time!
On the scale of parental sufficiency, Donald Winnicott, the eminent British psychoanalyst, also arguing against perfection, introduced the concept of being “Good enough” parents.
And among my favorite statements was what Maria Callas had to say when her impresario asked her if she would sing “Norma” at La Scala in Milan on 10 days’ notice:
“My best I can do; more than that I cannot promise.”
Aiming at excellence is perhaps all that we can really do.