Apparently, “tampopo” (that’s to say the Japanese pronunciation of this word) means “dandelion” or in French, “pissenlit.”
Japanese restaurant where the staff is Japanese. Call for reservations: 01 47 27 74 52. Speak slowly and very clearly. For simplicity, you might want to reserve with well-known names like “Carla” or “Yoko.” Pour deux – Two, please. One o’clock. Treize heures.
Excellent timely service … not fast food.
66 rue Lauriston 75116 Paris
About dandelions, suburban American culture tends to demonize this delicious plant and its pretty yellow flowers as a weed. However, green dandelion leaves are just a little bitter but crispy and are eaten in France as a treat. Wild salad. Of course, the French eat all sorts of things, n’est-ce pas?