Q. How much do you charge?
A. A typical program runs for 3 months and costs 950€.
Q. Do you have a specialty?
A. I have a high success rate with people who, for one reason or another, have had an inhibiting blockage expressing themselves in spoken English in public.
Q. Do you have a method?
A. Yes. It’s called Faster Thinking in English. It’s a process to help you activate latent knowledge and skills, acquire new ones, think faster, understand faster and speak more clearly than ever before.
Q. How many students do you have?
A. I can maybe only take on one more.
Q. How long will it take me to get better?
A. Your English will improve immediately. How much and how fast depends on the goals we set and the program you can follow. An important part of my expertise is determining this realistically with you.
One thing is sure: You can’t improve your language skills alone. Language is highly interactive in all its facets: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Language is dialogue. Even written!
For more information, please send Mark Levinson a message explaining your needs.