Have you ever heard the expression: It’s a no-brainer? It means that something is so clear, so obvious, so self-evident that it needs no further thought. You don’t really need much brainpower to know what to do or what NOT to do … to understand the simplicity of the situation, of the solution.
Edward de Bono wrote a book entitled “Simplicity” which I recommend to all. His book is … complex in its simplicity? Simple in its complexity?
In it he says things like:
“Almost everyone sees a value in simplicity. Why?
“It may be better to simplify a process rather than train people to cope with the complexity.”
But we like our own complexity, too, don’t we? What we have a hard time with is everyone else’s complexity … and complexes!
In any case, maybe another day, we’ll talk more about these complicated things. Today’s Friday and we would just like things to be easy … Simple?
In today’s The Paris Savannah Connection, you’ll find a word or 2 about the terms no-brainer, sense .. and nonsense … and if you make it to the end of the post … sensitivity, too … and all that’s just common sense!
By the way, there was another Edward .. whose last name was Lear and he wrote an entire Book of … Nonsense!
Enjoy your weekend … and we’ll re-connect on Tuesday.